The Domain 5.12+ TR
Revisiting this developing area. Bring a extra burly rope for setting up the natural anchor.
(YELLOW) – Top rope the large extreme overhang / arête. Try not to fall during the first 13 feet to avoid hitting the rock at the base.
(WHITE) Delicate Slab 5.10 – Long sustained slab with thin holds. Stem the slot or stay on the face near the top. I used a long static rope and the natural stones for anchor.
Sick one Lowell. So beautiful bro! How’s the anchor set up?
Long beefy static or low-stretch rope. Since it runs over the edge, I divide the rope into two separate lines for extra safety. There’s a section just after the start that is chossy, sucks. After that section the rock is premium. If I can’t link the chossy section or re-direct it I’ll have to move on.