Memory Lane
This area is located deep in the Mammary Lane fissure.
Memory Lane V2+ (White) – Right to left traverse. Begin sitting down using the two huecos. Finish red for the full send. Or any other color for shorter variations.
Nostalgia V0 (Green) – Begin sitting down in the depression with the deep, under-cling crack. Climb to the top on good holds.
Red – Begin standing in a scoop. Follow the rail to a good chunky hold. Turn the lip following the huecos. Tree over-growth.
Shallow Grave V1 (Yellow) – Begin by stepping across the pit. Gain the “Pit Jug”. From here climb out left and up over the lip via hueco line.
Gray – Climb the leaning overhang, right of the pit. Gain the holds above and turn the lip.
Memory Lane v2+ (White) – Right to left traverse. Begin sitting down using the two huecos. Finish red for the full send. Or any other color for shorter variations. Since red has tree over-growth most finish yellow.