Escalator V0- 25 feet
Mountain: North
Location: Martini Roof
Notes: Semi-shady
Two highball warm-up jugs / recreational boulder problems exist behind Martini Roof page 127 J. Sherman 2nd edition.
Crawl under the Martini Roof (North) into the room with a tree. This room leads to the Lost Corridor.
PONY RIDER V1 20 feet Highball
White V1 – Begin sitting down using good holds. Follow the huecos to the top. Straddle the top of the boulder heading left then down-climb the scoop to the corridor which is called the Escalator (see Yellow boulder problem).
Yellow – Begin sitting down using the same good holds as Pony Rider. From the head-level hueco traverse left, low or high – heading up into the decent scoop. From here down-climb to the sit start to finish.