Exposure Therapy 5.12
Approach: - Hike or climb to the top of Fox Tower, locate the anchor and rap down to Ringtail Ledge....
Approach: - Hike or climb to the top of Fox Tower, locate the anchor and rap down to Ringtail Ledge....
Mountain: North Location: Front Side Notes: Shady summer spot The first three pitches to The Texas Long Route are located...
Mountain: North Location: Front Side Notes: Shady summer spot Located to the right of Luther. Most likely climbed in the...
Where is Chris the ambulance guy? Remember why the Beatles broke up? Yoko does.
Mountain: North Location: Below Juniper JUnction Notes: Semi-shady Console Wall A large East facing overhung wall located directly below Juniper...
Forgotten Front Side warm-up Mountain: North Location: Pyramid boulder satellite Area: South side of Pyramid Boulder Begin sitting down. Follow...
Mountain: West Location: Gold Mine Area: Located between No Quarter and Lost Boys Rope: 50m Climate: Shady Cave Common Start...
Mountain: North Location: Martini Roof Notes: Semi-shady Two highball warm-up jugs / recreational boulder problems exist behind Martini Roof page...
Mountain: North Location: Below Juniper Junction Atari 5.11c/d TR Located 15 yards to the left of Sega-Vision. Climb up the...
Mountain: North Location: Morgue Area 31.92539, -106.04502 Begin on the lowest crimp. Climb the face arching left then straight to...
Mountain: North Location: Morgue Area 31.92524, -106.04493 Canadian Dream V0 - begin in the pit. Climb good holds up the...